Kinfara Travel



 The social impact of Kinfara Travel is two-fold

For local communities

  • We only partner with local business owners and entrepreneurs for all trip services; from lodging, to meals, to transport, to the actual tours and workshops, everything is provided through local tourism providers in order to boost the host country’s economy through direct and fair compensation.

  • Our business partners are provided with tourism and business development trainings, led by fellow community leaders in order to encourage native leadership and expertise.

  • The close interactions between our customers and local tourism providers creates opportunities for networking and knowledge exchange, allowing locals to expand their markets and profitability.


For tourists

• We provide cultural immersion orientation and travel-learning round-table discussions throughout the trip to support tourists in their ethical interactions within a foreign culture and country. This includes guidance on how to responsibly portray vulnerable populations on social media, and how to sustainably support growing communities.

• The Kinfara Travel environment is cultivated to accommodate anyone, regardless of race, class, nationality, sexuality, or gender to enjoy an ethical culture exchange where they will gain insight from the day to day experiences and talents of humans in foreign places.


We believe in creating connections between responsible tourists and the artisans, social activists, and entrepreneurs native to their countries. We aspire to help adventurers and humanitarians benefit communities by ensuring that tourist dollars are flowing directly into local economies and grassroots causes.

Our model transcends those dependent on the base appeal of “poverty porn” and what has been coined the “white savior complex,” and instead exposes tourists to the inherent capacity and skill of native community members who display exceptional innovation, often in spite of a lack of financial resources.

We dream of cultivating mutual learning between tourists and community members, that inspires friendships based on equity, and discourages the patronization of any individual or community. As tourists interact with the developing world in ethical and sustainable ways, and choose to share empowered and positive portrayals of local populations through their social media platforms while traveling, we know Western attitudes and perceptions towards growing communities will improve - leading to better solutions for persisting challenges.

Help change the negative perceptions associated with the developing world. Actively support the talent, knowledge, and leadership that already exists within local communities. Book with Kinfara Travel to make a difference the ethical way.


The Kinfara Team